The extra virgin olive oil, raw or heated, is the fat most suitable for nutrition, not only for its aroma and its flavour, but also for all its properties, including in particular its acid composition, dominating by monounsaturated fatty acids, a perfect balance of polyunsaturates, vitamin E, provitamin A and antioxidants.

Benefits of the extra virgin olive oil on the circulatory system:

The diet rich of animal fat, increases the quantity of cholesterol in blood, one of the major risk factors in cardiovascular disease. Vegetable oils have protective action instead.

The extra virgin olive oil, compared to other vegetable oils, has more beneficial effects as oil produced by simply pressing and crushing of the fruit without further chemical-physical manipulations.

At harvest time, when the colour of the olives changes from green/yellow to black, the fruit contains a high concentration of polyphenols (chemical compounds that have an antioxidant action that protects our organism against damages caused by free radicals).


The percentage of fatty acids is minimal and also the extra virgin olive oil contains linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (omega 3). These features make it an excellent product for our health.

Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Oleic acid and palmitic acid) reduce the “bad” cholesterol level (LDL) while increasing the “good” (HDL). It has been shown that the Mediterranean diet, of which olive oil is one of the main components, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

The Oleocanthal is a substance present in the oil to which it gives the slightly spicy flavour. Along with the Oleuropein (polyphenol), from which the Hydroxytyrosol derived, they have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, similar to Ibuprofen, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, usually used for pain of various types. Together with other substances, such as vitamin E and carotenoids, these substances would have anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-degenerative action of the nervous system. Vitamin K is also present in discrete concentration, contributing to the improvement of bone mass.

To summarize, here are 10 good reasons to take olive products:

  1. They are the most powerful antioxidants existing in nature
  2. Help circulation and make good your heart
  3. Regularize the blood pressure
  4. Metabolize lipids and carbohydrates
  5. Reduce sugar and fat in the blood
  6. Lower cholesterol and eliminate free radicals
  7. Eliminate drowsiness and reduce the need for sleep
  8. Reinforce the immune system
  9. They have antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic power
  10. They are diuretics and cleans the body